Writing Support Through the CFLC


Writing tutoring:

The  tutoring appointments for writing support, including writing support for English Language Learners,  are designed to assist with all stages of the writing process.  During a fifty minute students can brainstorm ideas, go over an outline, or work on a draft.  Tutors do not edit papers.  They will work with you to help your writing improve. Papers to be reviewed during a session should ideally be five to eight pages in length. The CFLC does not have staff to provide writing assistance for dissertations or pieces being submitted for publication. To make an appointment please follow the instructions.  All appointments beginfive to eight pages in length.on the hour (*Except A&P).  


The Online Writing Lab (OWL):

The OWL offers asynchronous, email-based feedback on work in progress. Writers can submit drafts and identify revision priorities through an online form and OWL tutors will deliver written feedback within 48 hours. As in face-to-face sessions, OWL tutorials aim to help writers improve their overall processes, with emphasis on higher-order effectiveness rather than cosmetic editing. 

Submit Your Paper to OWL

OWL Fall 2024 Calendar


Monday, September 9 - First day accepting tutorial requests for the fall semester.


Wednesday, October 9 - Deadline for tutorial requests to be completed before Fall Break.


Saturday, Oct. 12, to Tuesday, Oct. 15 - Closed for Fall Break. Requests received during the break will be processed on Wednesday, October 16.


Sunday, November 24 - Deadline for tutorial requests to be completed before Thanksgiving Holidays.


Wednesday, Nov. 27, to Sunday, Dec. 1 - Closed for Thanksgiving Holidays. Requests received during the break will be processed on Monday, December 2.


Thursday, December 5 - Deadline for fall semester tutorial requests.


Monday, December 9 - Closed for Winter Recess.


Please also note that the OWL is closed on all Saturdays.



For questions about our tutoring services, please contact:

Cecilie Reid-Joyner
Associate Director



Frequently Asked Questions about OWL


CFLC Calendar